Library Procedures
Materials and services of Presque Isle District Library (PIDL) are available free to the residents and property owners of Presque Isle County, Forest and Waverly Townships of Cheboygan County, and to the residents of Michigan through interlibrary loan and the Michigan Electronic Library (MEL) as initiated from the participating library.
Library Procedures
Presque Isle District Library Circulation Policy
Library Cards:
Library cards may be obtained at any of the PIDL locations and may be used at all five locations.
Identification, preferably a driver’s license and/or State ID with a current address is required upon applying for a library card. Identification displaying other than a current address within the District must provide either a voter registration card, rent receipt, tax bill, or other bills, verifying name and current address.
The signature of a parent or guardian is required for anyone 17 years of age or younger before they may obtain a library card.
To Replace a Lost card, a fee of $ 2.00 will be charged.
Renewing Materials:
Renew at the Circulation Desk during your regular visit
Renew on the Phone 989.734.2477
Renew on the Library website by clicking on Library Catalog and logging with your barcode and pin number. If you do not know your pin number call any of our branches to receive your pin.
Materials may be dropped at any location regardless of which location they were checked out.
Late Fees:
We are a FINE FREE library with the exception of specific collections.
Michigan and Great Lakes Nautical collection books, Genealogy, and interlibrary loan materials (including MEL materials) have overdue fines of .50 cents per day per item with no grace period and a maximum fine of $5.00 per item.
"Library of Things" collection materials are assessed an overdue fine of $1.00 a day per item for every day that the library is open with one-day grace period and a maximum fine of $5.00 per item (for one individual).
Lost or Damaged Items:
If an item is Lost or Damaged enough that it cannot be repaired and returned to circulation, the Borrower will be charged the cost of the item. A $10.00 processing fee will also be charged to cover the supplies and staff time expended
Book Donations: